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Sabtu, 21 Juni 2008

USB tak detect di windows 95 dan 98

Windows 95 USB Guide
What Microsoft has to say about USB Support in Win95

"Windows 95 OSR 2.1 and OSR 2.5 provide basic USB support that was developed as the technology was first emerging. Based on today's more mature USB technology, there are a number of limitations with USB support in Windows 95 OSR 2.1 and Windows 95 OSR 2.5.

These limitations were addressed in Microsoft Windows 98 and carried forward to Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition. Addressing these limitations required several architectural changes that are not portable back to Windows 95 OSR 2.1 or Windows 95 OSR 2.5.
Microsoft recommends that customers who require a more robust USB environment upgrade to Windows 98 or Windows 98 Second Edition."
Determine if Your Version Supports USB
The first thing you must do to enable USB in Win95 is to determine which version of the operating system you are using. Please Note that the original or first version of Windows 95 including the update and version A, is NOT capable of USB connectivity. There is NO update for these versions of Win95 that can provide USB support. Win95 versions B & C have limited USB functionality. The first Microsoft operating system to fully support USB is Win98 first edition. (See Chart)
Availability of USB in Win95 by Release & File Date
Release Version File Date USB Download Files
Retail 4.00.950 7/11/95 NO NO
Retail SP1 4.00.950A 7/11/95 NO NO
OEM Service Release 1 4.00.950A 7/11/95 NO NO
OEM Service Release 2 4.00.1111 (4.00.950B) 8/24/96 NO NO
OEM Service Release 2.1 4.03.1212-1214 (4.00.950B) 8/24/96-8/27/97 YES YES
OEM Service Release 2.5 4.03.1214 (4.00.950C) 8/24/96-11/18/97 YES YES
Availability of Universal Serial Bus Support in Windows 95
Update the BIOS
Installing USB
USB in Windows95 is disabled by default
To enable full USB support in Win95 B & C, you must install two files, USBSUPP.exe and USBUPD2.exe
  • The file USBSUPP.exe is in the OTHER folder on your Windows 95 setup disk.
Using Windows Explore, open the OTHER folder on the Win95 Installation CD
Click on USBSUPP.exe and the installation will begin
  • You can also download the latest versions of the two files necessary for full USB Support in Windows95
  • UNZIP both files before you start
  • First Install USBSUPP.exe
  • Shutdown and Reboot to BIOS.
  • Enable USB in the BIOS. (Enable USB Keyboard or Legacy Support and/or Assign IRQ for USB)
  • Shutdown and Reboot to Windows Safe Mode and Cleanup the Device Manager in Safe Mode Always a good idea when updating hardware.
  • Shutdown and Reboot to Windows Standard Mode. The Hardware wizard will start and Windows will recognize the hardware. but will not find the drivers. Direct Windows to look in C:\Windows\System directory.
  • Install the second file USBUPD2.exe
    • NOTE: Installing USBUPD2.exe before installing USBSUPP.exe will cause the system lock and will prevent booting to Safe Mode. A complete reinstall of Windows will be necessary.
  • Shutdown and Reboot again
  • Install the Motherboard Chipset Specific Drivers that came with the motherboard so that Windows will recognize and communicate with your system. Check the owners manual or online. Motherboard Manufacturers Web Sites
  • USB for the Win 95 Operating System is now fully installed on your computer and usable.
Properly Installed USB in Win 95
The USB Supplement Correctly Installed
Adding USB Ports
USB upgrade cards are NOT supported by Win95 any version. Therefore this option is not available to systems running the Win95 Operating System.
If you do not have physical USB ports on the computer you will need to add USB ports. The only choice you have in Win95 is a USB motherboard cable assembly. It is imperative that you identify the exact USB pin out assignment for your motherboard before you attempt to connect the cable assembly. Incorrectly installing a USB motherboard cable assembly can destroy your system. Read and follow the general USB Motherboard Cable Assembly instructions VERY CAREFULLY.
Updating to the Latest Version of USBSUPP.exe
You MUST remove the existing version of USBSUPP.exe before attempting to install the latest version of the driver set. Use the Add/Remove Programs Wizard in the Control Panel to remove the existing USB driver set. Installing the new drivers over an existing version can corrupt the Windows Registry and disable the USB function completely.
Other Problems
In addition to the motherboard chipset specific drivers that should already be installed; If your Mainboard is based on one of the following chipsets you will need to install these additional files
Scanners, printer, cameras and many other USB devices require additional drivers from the manufacturer. Win98 compatibility does NOT mean the device will work on a system running Win95. Win95 USB requires drivers specifically written for Windows 95.
You may need to update your BIOS for USB to work correctly. Update the BIOS if necessary.
USB Shutdown Fix
Your computer may have problems at shutdown if a USB-device is connected. This fix below addresses that problem.
This file self extracts into any given directory.

Installation instructions:

1.) Execute setup.bat (located in the directory You unpacked this file)
2.) Restart your computer

Thanks Erpman2b
If you want to take full advantage of the latest USB devices you will need to upgrade to a newer version of Windows.
Additional Information and Troubleshooting
Click on Subject to View Page
Additional Win95 Downloadable Files
AMD K6 or Athlon Processor - Difficulties with Win95
Windows Cannot Find USB Drivers on OSR 2.1 CDROM
USB Drivers by Windows Version
Via USB Tips and Tricks
Ali USB Tips and Tricks
Windows Errors Codes Explained
USB Motherboard Cable Assemblies
Cleanup Device Manager in Safe Mode Step by Step
Windows95 Support for External Hubs
Dial Up Networking 1.4 Patch
USB Support Win98 vs.Win95
Logitech WingMan Win95 USB Patch
Information and Download
Please Note
As of December 31, 2002, Windows 95 has entered the End of Life phase of the Microsoft Product Cycle. Microsoft has discontinued ALL support for Windows 95. Knowledge Base Articles and Online self-help support information will continue to be available on the Microsoft web site. However, NO new updates will be forthcoming.

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