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Selasa, 01 Juli 2008

Building Your Social Circle

Adam gives some great tips for expanding your social circle
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About the author

Adam Lyons is a professional dating coach, constantly pushing the boundaries. You should read his article about picking up Maxim hotties, and you can see his website at
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Our social circle has a huge impact on who we meet. Working on your social circle will improve your lifestyle and will increase your chances of developing a relationship with someone compatible with you. From a pick-up perspective it’s much easier to game someone in your social circle if you choose to, because there is a certain amount of trust and comfort already there. In fact, social circle game is how most guys get into relationships whether they know it or not!

So how do we improve our social circle? Simple- we expand it.
Network, Network, Network

The more people you know, the larger your group standing. Ask people what they do for a living, ask for their business card or contact details as ‘you never know when you might come in handy’. This is a really simple business close that I use. This doesn’t need to be needy- people do this all the time, and you’ll find that people are happy to hand over their contact details for networking.
Organise A Night Out

Friends have friends who have friends who have friends. Organising a night out once every 3-4 months wll really help you become more social and get used to leading the group dynamic which raises your profile. Invite your friends and tell them to bring friends. You’ll build your social circle up in no time.
Join a club

Join a sports club, movie club, dinner club, sex club… whatever you want! Meet people there and invite them to your nights out. You are consistently building social proof and increasing the number of people in your group.
Don’t Stick Your Dick In Everybody

Instead of trying to have sex with every attractive person you meet, befriend them. Try to be more selective as your group increases in size, and surround yourself with people you’re into naturally. If they turn up to a night you’ve organised you’re in a great position to hit it off if you want.
Put People In Contact With Each Other

This is a key part of social circle game. Putting people in touch with others will help you stay at the centre of all interactions and will raise your status among the group.

Building bridges has incredible effects on your social life. The more people you know, the smaller your world gets. You’ll soon be bumping into people who know people you know. From this point your social circle is unstoppable!

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